Results for 'Eugenio Muindelo Paz'

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  1.  18
    Fraternidad anárquica. La inflexión republicana de Marx.Eugenio Muinelo Paz - forthcoming - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía:59-73.
    Apoyándonos en la rehabilitación por Antoni Domènech del concepto de fraternidad, pretendemos señalar la necesidad de reintepretar hoy a la luz del mismo el pensamiento político de Marx. Tanto sus escritos de juventud como los de madurez brindan una teoría crítica del Estado y del Derecho que estaría animada por una insobornable inspiración ética. Esta nada tendría que ver con la tan denostada “moralización” de la política. Más bien, en la estela de Levinas, tenderemos a leerla como una an-arquía de (...)
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    Marx and Rosenzweig on Community and Redemption.Eugenio Muinelo Paz - 2021 - Naharaim 15 (2):269-285.
    The first and second parts of the paper will deal with the problem of assimilation and the genesis of a kind of cultural hibridity in the context of the German Jewry in the Modern Age. I will try to understand the figures of Karl Marx and Franz Rosenzweig as complementary visions of Jewish identity, the latter from within, and the former from without it. The third and the fourth parts will tackle the question of how that identity may be fully (...)
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  3. Emmanuel Levinas.Eugenio Muinelo Paz - 2015 - In Alberto Sucasas, Emmanuel Taub & Luis Ignacio García, Pensamiento judío contemporáneo. Buenos Aires, Argentina: Prometeo Libros.
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    La enfermedad de la historia. Reseña de: Petar Bojanić, Violencia y mesianismo, trad. Roberto Navarrete, Madrid, Trotta, 2021.Eugenio Muinelo Paz - 2022 - Isegoría 66:04-04.
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    Forte, Juan Manuel y Sánchez Madrid, Nuria (coords.), Precariedad, exclusión, marginalidad. Una historia conceptual de la pobreza, Zaragoza, Prensas de la Universidad de Zaragoza, 2022. [REVIEW]Eugenio Muinelo Paz - 2022 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 39 (2):545-546.
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    Ronald Kay Y Eugenio dittborn. La imagen de la pietà, la pietà como imagen.Paz López - 2018 - Aisthesis 64:271-284.
    Frente a contextos de violencia política, surge la pregunta por los modos que tendría el arte y la visualidad de asumir una particular relación con el peso de lo histórico. El siguiente artículo aborda los textos que el crítico chileno-alemán Ronald Kay escribió durante la década de los 70´s y los 80`s en Chile, sobre todo aquellos que interrogan insistentemente la relación entre imagen, historia y memoria. A partir de las filiaciones que el crítico mantiene con la obra de (...) Dittborn, nos hemos detenido en el motivo de la Pietà como vía de acceso a una reflexión sobre la imagen en el contexto de un tiempo doliente. Una imagen que, atendiendo su fragilidad, asume una amorosa labor de resguardo, acogida y protección. Se trata, en otras palabras, de asumir la pregunta por el poder que tendría la imagen del arte para poner a salvo aquello que se pierde en tanto que se pierde. (shrink)
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  7. Educar en paz y para la paz el desafío de una paternidad ausente.Eugenio Yáñez - 2012 - Revista de Filosofia: Universidad Católica de la Santísima Concepción 11 (3):135-161.
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    Proof theory for quantified monotone modal logics.Sara Negri & Eugenio Orlandelli - 2019 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 27 (4):478-506.
    This paper provides a proof-theoretic study of quantified non-normal modal logics. It introduces labelled sequent calculi based on neighbourhood semantics for the first-order extension, with both varying and constant domains, of monotone NNML, and studies the role of the Barcan formulas in these calculi. It will be shown that the calculi introduced have good structural properties: invertibility of the rules, height-preserving admissibility of weakening and contraction and syntactic cut elimination. It will also be shown that each of the calculi introduced (...)
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    The Mythical Voice in the Timaeus-Critias: Stylometric Indicators.Harold Tarrant, Eugenio E. Benitez & Terry Roberts - 2011 - Ancient Philosophy 31 (1):95-120.
    This article presents evidence over which we stumbled while investigating a completely different part of the Platonic Corpus. While examining the ordinary working vocabulary of the doubtful dialogues and of those undisputed dialogues most readily compared with them, it seemed essential to have a representative sample of Plato's allegedly 'middle' and 'late' dialogues also. The real surprise came when the Critias was included, showing some frequencies not previously observed in Platonic dialogues. This prompted treatment of the Timaeus also, some of (...)
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    "Aristotele fatto volgare": tradizione aristotelica e cultura volgare nel Rinascimento.David A. Lines & Eugenio Refini (eds.) - 2014 - Pisa: Edizioni ETS.
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    La situación escolar del alumnado de minorías étnicas: el modelo explicativo ecológico-cultural de John Ogbu.José Eugenio Abajo Alcalde & Silvia Carrasco Pons - 2012 - Recerca.Revista de Pensament I Anàlisi 11 (11):71-92.
    El modelo explicativo más contrastado para entender la situación escolar del alumnado de minorías étnicas es el elaborado por el antropólogo John Ogbu y constituye, además, un punto de referencia central en los estudios sobre este tema a nivel internacional. Por eso, no deja de producir sorpresa que cuando se realizan investigaciones o escritos o se organizan congresos relativos a la escolarización de alumnado de minorías étnicas en España a menudo se siga sin tener en cuenta a Ogbu y, por (...)
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  12. El esteticismo ético de mishima desde el subjetivismo moral de Vattimo. La destrucción como belleza.Ciro Eugenio Schmidt Andrade - 2015 - Escritos 23 (50):135-155.
    Nuestro tiempo se caracteriza por un fuerte subjetivismo valórico que posibilita a cada uno apreciar realidades de distinta forma. Mishima, a través de su obra literaria, acoge al mal, al sufrimiento, al dolor y a la muerte como valores que expresan lo bello.
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  13. Summa Terminorum Metaphysicorum Ristampa Anastatica Dell'edizione Marburg 1609.Giordano Bruno, Eugenio Canone & Tullio Gregory - 1989 - Edizioni Dell'ateneo.
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    Conociendo a Aby Warburg.Luis Eugenio Campos - 2014 - Trans/Form/Ação 37 (1):151-162.
    Aby Warburg es la oculta figura creadora de los estudios de iconología. Personaje indiscutido, ha sido retomado en los últimos años a partir de la reedición de sus obras y de numerosos estudios que posicionan su figura intelectual y los impactos que tuvo su método de aproximación a las imágenes, específicamente aquellos que hablaban del renacimiento del paganismo. Conceptos como pathosformeln, sobrevivencias de la antigüedad, accesorios en movimiento y el análisis histórico, psicológico y contextual de la producción cultural de las (...)
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    Funéraire grecque des environs de Nicée.Eugenio Dalleggio D'Alessio - 1964 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 88 (1):196-198.
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  16. Al di sotto della sensazione. Il corpo'irritabile'nella fisiologia di Francis Glisson.Eugenio de Caro - 2004 - Rivista di Estetica 44 (27):116-132.
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  17.  26
    The Limits of Thinking: Hegel in Dialogue with Kant.Víctor Eugenio Duplancic - 2021 - Revista de Humanidades de Valparaíso 17:193-208.
    From the perspective of Cartesian doubt, this article explores the concept of the limitations of reasoning through the use of the Kantian words 'boundary' and 'barrier' in his Critique of Pure Reason. Hegel's critical dialogue with Kant is presented focusing on the limitation that the latter imposed on reason for the acquisition of the true knowledge of philosophical/metaphysical objects. For this purpose, the Hegelian position is presented from its discussion on the second chapter of the first section of the The (...)
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  18.  7
    Nietzsche y lo trágico.Eugenio Fernández García (ed.) - 2012 - Madrid: Editorial Trotta.
  19.  28
    An environment for specifying properties of dyadic relations and reasoning about them II: relational presentation of non-classical logics.Andrea Formisano, Eugenio G. Omodeo & Ewa Orłowska - 2006 - In Harrie de Swart, Ewa Orlowska, Gunther Smith & Marc Roubens, Theory and Applications of Relational Structures as Knowledge Instruments II: International Workshops of COST Action 274, TARSKI, 2002-2005, Selected Revised Papers. Springer. pp. 89--104.
  20.  7
    Iconismi e mirabilia da Athanasius Kircher.Athanasius Kircher, Eugenio Lo Sardo, Roman Vlad & Umberto Eco - 1999
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    Martin Davis on Computability, Computational Logic, and Mathematical Foundations.Alberto Policriti & Eugenio Omodeo (eds.) - 2016 - Cham, Switzerland: Springer Verlag.
    This book presents a set of historical recollections on the work of Martin Davis and his role in advancing our understanding of the connections between logic, computing, and unsolvability. The individual contributions touch on most of the core aspects of Davis’ work and set it in a contemporary context. They analyse, discuss and develop many of the ideas and concepts that Davis put forward, including such issues as contemporary satisfiability solvers, essential unification, quantum computing and generalisations of Hilbert’s tenth problem. (...)
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  22. Conocimiento de lo bello desde una perspectiva estética de la sensibilidad trascendental, en los capítulos VI y VII del itinerarium mentis in deum de San Buenaventura.Javier Eugenio Arias Rueda - 2002 - Franciscanum: Revista de Las Ciencias Del Espíritu 44 (130):137-220.
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    Eugenio Imaz.Eugenio Imaz & Josâe Angel Ascunce Arrieta - 1988 - San Sebastián, Spain: Cuadernos Universitarios (E.U.T.G.--Mundaiz). Edited by Ascunce Arrieta & José Angel.
    1. Le fe por la palabra -- 2. Topía y Utopía -- 3. Luz en la caverna.
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    Filosofia e cultura: per Eugenio Garin.Eugenio Garin, Michele Ciliberto & Cesare Vasoli (eds.) - 1991 - Roma: Editori Riuniti.
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    La filosofia di Eugenio Garin.Eugenio Garin - 1947 - Vallardi.
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    Scritti in onore di Eugenio Garin.Eugenio Garin (ed.) - 1987 - Pisa: Scuola normale superiore.
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  27. Progetti di edizioni vichiane e fortuna di Vico in Toscana Eugenio Garin.Eugenio Garin - 1976 - Bollettino Del Centro di Studi Vichiani 6:182-184.
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    Interview: Octavio Paz.Octavio Paz, Roberto Gonzalez Echevarria, Emir Rodriguez Monegal & Rolena Adorno - 1972 - Diacritics 2 (3):35.
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    A Quantitative Portrait of Analytic Philosophy : Looking Through the Margins.Eugenio Petrovich - 2024 - Springer Verlag.
    This book offers an unprecedented quantitative portrait of analytic philosophy focusing on two seemingly marginal features of philosophical texts: citations and acknowledgements in academic publications. Originating from a little network of philosophers based in Oxford, Cambridge, and Vienna, analytic philosophy has become during the Twentieth century a thriving philosophical community with thousands of members worldwide. Leveraging the most advanced techniques from bibliometrics, citations and acknowledgments are used in this book to shed light on both the epistemology and the sociology of (...)
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    Measuring Organizational Legitimacy in Social Media: Assessing Citizens’ Judgments With Sentiment Analysis.Antonino D’Eugenio, Katia Meggiorin, Laura Illia, Elanor Colleoni & Michael Etter - 2018 - Business and Society 57 (1):60-97.
    Conventional quantitative methods for the measurement of organizational legitimacy consider mainly three sources that make judgments about organizations visible: news media, accreditation bodies, and surveys. Over the last decade, however, social media have enabled ordinary citizens to bypass the gatekeeping function of these institutional evaluators and autonomously make individual judgments public. This inclusion of voices beyond functional and formally organized stakeholder groups potentially pluralizes the ongoing discussions about organizations. The individual judgments in blogs, tweets, and Facebook posts give indication about (...)
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    Essays in Legal Philosophy.Eugenio Bulygin - 2015 - Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press UK. Edited by Carlos Bernal Pulido.
    Eugenio Bulygin is a distinguished representative of legal science and legal philosophy as they are known on the European continent - no accident, given the role of the civil law tradition in his home country, Argentina. Over the past half-century, Bulygin has engaged virtually all major legal philosophers in the English-speaking countries, including H.L.A. Hart, Ronald Dworkin, and Joseph Raz. Bulygin's essays, several written together with his eminent colleague and close friend Carlos E. Alchourrón, reflect the genre familiar from (...)
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  32. On norms of competence.Eugenio Bulygin - 1992 - Law and Philosophy 11 (3):201 - 216.
    Norms conferring public or private powers, i.e., the competence to issue other norms, play a very important rôle in law. But there is no agreement among legal philosophers about the nature of such norms. There are two main groups of theories, those that regard them as a kind of norms of conduct (either commands or permissions) and those that regard them as non-reducible to other types of norms. I try to show that reductionist theories are not quite acceptable; neither the (...)
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  33.  50
    Science Mapping and Science Maps.Eugenio Petrovich - 2022 - Knowledge Organization 48 (7-8):535-562.
    Science maps are visual representations of the structure and dynamics of scholarly knowl­edge. They aim to show how fields, disciplines, journals, scientists, publications, and scientific terms relate to each other. Science mapping is the body of methods and techniques that have been developed for generating science maps. This entry is an introduction to science maps and science mapping. It focuses on the conceptual, theoretical, and methodological issues of science mapping, rather than on the mathematical formulation of science mapping techniques. After (...)
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  34.  28
    Acknowledgments-based networks for mapping the social structure of research fields. A case study on recent analytic philosophy.Eugenio Petrovich - 2022 - Synthese 200 (3):1-40.
    In the last decades, research in science mapping has delivered several powerful techniques, based on citation or textual analysis, for charting the intellectual organization of research fields. To map the social network underlying science and scholarship, by contrast, science mapping has mainly relied on one method, co-authorship analysis. This method, however, suffers from well-known limitations related to the practice of authorship. Moreover, it does not perform well on those fields where multi-authored publications are rare. In this study, a new method (...)
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    Is Your Neural Data Part of Your Mind? Exploring the Conceptual Basis of Mental Privacy.Abel Wajnerman Paz - 2022 - Minds and Machines 32 (2):395-415.
    It has been argued that neural data are an especially sensitive kind of personal information that could be used to undermine the control we should have over access to our mental states, and therefore need a stronger legal protection than other kinds of personal data. The Morningside Group, a global consortium of interdisciplinary experts advocating for the ethical use of neurotechnology, suggests achieving this by treating legally ND as a body organ. Although the proposal is currently shaping ND-related policies, it (...)
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  36. An Antimony in Kelsen's Pure Theory of Law.Eugenio Bulygin - 1990 - Ratio Juris 3 (1):29-45.
    Some important ideas in Kelsen's Pure Theory of Law can be traced back to Kantian tradition, which has been very influential in Kelsen's thought, particularly in his early period. Among them we find the distinction between two radically different worlds (the world of facts and the world of norms), the normativity of legal science and the idea of validity as a binding force, based on the famous doctrine of the basic norm. These tenets and, especially, the use of a normative (...)
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    La razón fronteriza.Eugenio Trías - 1999 - Barcelona: Destino Ediciones.
  38. Bibliometrics Beyond Citations: Introducing Mention Extraction and Analysis.Eugenio Petrovich, Sander Verhaegh, Gregor Bos, Claudia Cristalli, Fons Dewulf, Ties van Gemert & Nina IJdens - 2024 - Scientometrics 2024:1-38.
    Standard citation-based bibliometric tools have severe limitations when they are applied to periods in the history of science and the humanities before the advent of now-current citation practices. This paper presents an alternative method involving the extracting and analysis of mentions to map and analyze links between scholars and texts in periods that fall outside the scope of citation-based studies. Focusing on one specific discipline in one particular period and language area—Anglophone philosophy between 1890 and 1979—we describe a procedure to (...)
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  39. Descartes's Theory of Substance: Why He was Not a Trialist.Eugenio E. Zaldivar - 2011 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 19 (3):395 - 418.
    In this work I argue that Descartes was not a trialist by showing that the main tenets of trialist interpretations of Descartes's theory of substance are either not supported by the text or are not sufficient for establishing the trialist interpretation.
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    Genetic/genomic testing: defining the parameters for ethical, legal and social implications (ELSI).Eugenio Frixione, Fernando Navarro-Garcia, Garbiñe Saruwatari-Zavala & Tania Ascencio-Carbajal - 2021 - BMC Medical Ethics 22 (1):1-15.
    BackgroundGenetic/genomic testing (GGT) are useful tools for improving health and preventing diseases. Still, since GGT deals with sensitive personal information that could significantly impact a patient’s life or that of their family, it becomes imperative to consider Ethical, Legal and Social Implications (ELSI). Thus, ELSI studies aim to identify and address concerns raised by genomic research that could affect individuals, their family, and society. However, there are quantitative and qualitative discrepancies in the literature to describe the elements that provide content (...)
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  41. Norms and logic.Eugenio Bulygin - 1985 - Law and Philosophy 4 (2):145 - 163.
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    Fuerzas, facultades y formas a priori en Kant.Eugenio Moya - 2019 - Con-Textos Kantianos 9:49-71.
    Para el autor de este artículo, el rechazo kantiano de la identificación de su concepto de a priori con la noción leibniciana de lo innato solo puede comprenderse de manera clara y precisa, si recurrimos a la concepción kantiana de la epigénesis como modelo epistemológico; es decir, si consideramos las facultades cognitivas como fuerzas formativas que se componen con otras fuerzas de la naturaleza para hacer posible la adquisición originaria de intuiciones y conceptos a priori.
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  43. Qué podemos aprender de Deleuze (aunque no seamos de izquierdas).Miguel Angel Quintana Paz - 2025 - In Fundación Disenso, Gilles Deleuze: las líneas de fuga del pensamiento. Madrid: Fundación Disenso. pp. 5-17.
    El autor expone tres conceptos del pensamiento deleuziano (micropolítica, rizomas, imbecilidad) que pueden ser útiles en el combate antiwoke actual.
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  44. Is Mental Privacy a Component of Personal Identity?Abel Wajnerman Paz - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15:773441.
    One of the most prominent ethical concerns regarding emerging neurotechnologies is mental privacy. This is the idea that we should have control over access to our neural data and to the information about our mental processes and states that can be obtained by analyzing it. A key issue is whether this information needs more stringent protection than other kinds of personal information. I will articulate and support the view, underlying recent regulatory frameworks, that mental privacy requires a special treatment because (...)
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    Interpretazioni del Rinascimento.Eugenio Garin - 2009 - Roma: Edizioni di storia e letteratura. Edited by Michele Ciliberto.
    Eminente studioso del Rinascimento, Eugenio Garin non fu storico di carattere erudito o di vocazione strettamente filologica; al contrario interrogò i grandi autori rinascimentali muovendo da problemi teorici assai precisi. Il saggio si propone di individuare differenti periodi nella produzione scientifica di Eugenio Garin portando soprattutto alla luce i saggi degli anni '30 e degli anni '40, sorprendenti per le connotazioni di carattere spiccatamente religioso da cui sono percorsi: tanto più sorprendenti se si pensa all'immagine di Garin quale (...)
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    El arbol de la vida: memorias.Eugenio Trías - 2003 - Barcelona: Ediciones Destino.
    La búsqueda que acomete Eugenio Trías en estas memorias intelectuales y vitales le lleva a rastrear su pasado, desde la infancia hasta los 33 años. En el libro van apareciendo diversos temas: el descubrimiento de la religión y de la filosofía; la fascinación por el cine; la pasión por la música: la iniciación en el complejo y cautivador mundo femenino; la figura del padre; los estudios en los jesuitas y en las universidades de Barcelona y Colonia; el breve paso (...)
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    Philosophy as Performed in Plato's "Theaetetus".Eugenio Benitez & Livia Guimaraes - 1993 - Review of Metaphysics 47 (2):297 - 328.
    We examine the "Theaetetus" in the light of its juxtaposition of philosophical, mathematical and sophistical approaches to knowledge, which we show to be a prominent feature of the drama. We suggest that clarifying the nature of philosophy supersedes the question of knowledge as the main ambition of the "Theaetetus". Socrates shows Theaetetus that philosophy is not a demonstrative science, like geometry, but it is also not mere word-play, like sophistry. The nature of philosophy is revealed in Socrates' activity of examination (...)
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    The Passions, Character, and the Self in Hume.Eugenio Lecaldano - 2002 - Hume Studies 28 (2):175-193.
    In the long history of the interpretations of Hume's theses on the self and personal identity, it is by now widely accepted that the conclusions reached in the first book of the Treatise must be considered in light of what the philosopher adds on these themes in the second and third books. Furthermore, there is no longer much support for the reading, which saw a contradiction here, given that while in the Book 1 he denies the reality of the self (...)
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    History of Italian Philosophy.Eugenio Garin - 2008 - Rodopi.
    This book is a treasure house of Italian philosophy. Narrating and explaining the history of Italian philosophers from the Middle Ages to the twentieth century, the author identifies the specificity, peculiarity, originality, and novelty of Italian philosophical thought in the men and women of the Renaissance. The vast intellectual output of the Renaissance can be traced back to a single philosophical stream beginning in Florence and fed by numerous converging human factors. This work offers historians and philosophers a vast survey (...)
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    Argument, Rhetoric, and Philosophic Method: Plato's "Protagoras".Eugenio Benitez - 1992 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 25 (3):222 - 252.
    The greatest rhetorical display (έπιδείξις) of Plato's Protagoras is apparently not Protagoras's famous myth cum démonstration1 about the teachability of excellence (αρετή),2 but rather the dia logue as a whole. The Protagoras exposes key différences between the methods and presuppositions of Socrates and those of the Sophists - thus defending Socrates against the charge of being a Sophist himself - and in so doing clarifies the conditions and princi ples of ethical argumentation.3 The display of the Protagoras oc curs on (...)
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